At the beginning of this year, it was decided that jumping all in was the only option. So that is what we did. We set up a soap studio in our basement, bought all of the necessary equipment and ingredients, and just went for it.
Making soap was not as easy as people made it look... getting it right took practice, research, and failure. Lets just say i had more than a few "Pintrest Fails"under my belt pretty quickly. Soap is actually quite finicky, so after a lot (A LOT) of trial and error with temperatures, ingredients, amounts, and processes, we finally found a groove. It is still touch and go whenever we try something new but we have finally figured out how to make a reliable and beautiful line of soaps.
It took over a year of experimenting before we were ready to present anything to the world but now have a complete Classic Collection and over five different options in our Artisan Collection. It took a long time to get here but we are finally ready to say "Hello!"